In 2020, The United Nations put out an video called “Urgent Solutions for Urgent Times” discussing the critical need to adopt the 17 Sustainable Goals on a global scale by 2030.  Music plays a massive role in inspiring others to take action.   Market research indicates that 79% of US adults say they would be likely to switch to brands that support a product that is associated with a cause they care about!

Voice of a Nation
Voice of a Nation

 In doing our part, we are producing a series of new music R & B pop music videos highlighting these global goals, the problems that all nations are facing around the world, but also the solutions!   There are thousands of companies, individuals, and citizens taking action to do their part in in helping transform the world and future at hand and solve these critical problems.  If your company or brand is doing something amazing to fight, or achieve these goals, then be a part of the plan by partnering with us! This product placement opportunity can help increase the awareness of the products or services that you offer to the world. Become a Voice of a Nation.


Increase Brand Loyalty

Getting your customers to become loyal to your brand and coming back for future purchases requires trust.  Product placement offers a creative way to increase brand royalty and develop trust.

Create Awareness & Visibility

Product placement in music videos increases awareness of products or services customers may not already know about.  Embedded marketing increases visibility to curious customers and increases the potential for sales.

"85% have a more positive image of a product or company when it supports a cause they care about"

The Cone Cause Evolution Study Tweet


Traditional advertising has become so costly, its pricing smaller brands with limited marketing budgets out.  Our efforts are focused on equality for business’ to gain access to affordable marketing.  We want to ensure that product placements costs fit the needs of a diversity of companies no matter how big or small. 

Invest your Marketing Budget

Once you spend money on radio or television, its gone and you have to spend again in order to produce results.  Spending money on product placements in music video productions is like starting an investment and watching it grow.  It continues to work for you while you are sleeping and will continue to do so while your brand is being shared around the world.  




sustainable development goals 2030

According to World Vison, we have reduced poverty on a global scale by over 26% since 1990!   We have made progress.  Unfortunately, the global pandemic has threatened this goal and now it is estimated that about 150 million are estimated to fall into extreme poverty by the end of 2021.  Thousands of companies from around the globe have been standing up and doing their part to help reduce poverty for all.  If your company has been working hard at eliminating poverty, become a Voice of a Nation!  We would love to highlight the actions your company has taken and its achievements.  There are several product placement opportunities for visuals, verbal mentions, using your product, as well as branded entertainment whereas the whole production centers around your product or brand.  Contact us today to find out how our embedded marketing works, and about our affordable price promotions!


The statistics are real.  Over 690 million people go to bed hungry every night.  If you have ever been in that position, you know how it feels and you can relate. World Vision expects this number to grow another 150 million by 2030.  It doesn’t help that the world has been experiencing a global pandemic affecting millions of jobs and lives are at stake.  If your company is helping to reduce hunger, we would love to highlight you in our upcoming series.  Standing up and doing your part doesn’t always mean a nationwide or global impact but starting at local levels right in your own hometown.  Let your voice be heard, and become  a part of this movement.   Several product placement opportunities are available.  Give us a call today!

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Sustainable Development Goal 3: Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being for All at All

There is no better time than now to discuss the importance of the well-being of citizens around the world as we are experiencing a global pandemic.  Living a healthy life is critical to being able to sustain oneself during some of lifes toughest challenges.  As many professions are tasked with becoming a front-line worker in responding to the pandemic, the mental health and well being is also on individual citizens in every nation across the world.  Loss to jobs and income, fear, and isolation has increased and this sector has become one that is in need of critical funding.  Companies from around the world have developed and innovated new products and services to help stand up and do their part in impacting the mental and well being for those in need.  If your company is one of them, we want to highlight it!  Become a Voice of a Nation.

Sustainable Development Goal #4: Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for

About 258 million children and youth were out of school in 2018.  In 2020, the world was hit by the Covid 19 Pandemic and nationwide school closures affected millions of children that were in school.   Remote learning became a new trend and  Innovation in the education sector became equally important. The United Nations has set forth a goal to provide free education to primary and secondary by 2030.  Education for all also includes providing access to affordable vocational training and providing gender equality within education.  If your company is doing something new, cool, and innovative in this industry, let us highlight it!  Capture worldwide global awareness to your products or services and become a Voice of a Nation.  There are several product placement opportunities for your company to be seen, heard, and recognized.  Is your product something to be used?  We got that covered too.  Embrace this opportunity today.

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Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower All Women and

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Over the past several decades we have made strides for women’s right more than ever.  However, there is still much to be done in order to ensure women and girls receive fair and equal treatments.  According to the United Nations “discriminatory laws and social norms remain pervasive, women continue to be underrepresented at all levels of political leadership, and 1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15 and 49 report experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-month period.”  If your company is actively working to achieve the goal of gender equality, we look forward to highlighting it within our series of Voice of a Nation.  Several product placement opportunities are now available.

Sustainable Development Goal 6: Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for

Having access to clean fresh water and sanitation is a necessity of life. However, many territories around the globe are suffering and lack this critical essential of life.  In other areas, the use of water has grown more than twice rate of population.  In essence, we have water scarcity, and massive shortages.  Not only that, but the climate change, and natural disasters have caused sweeping problems and amplifying these challenges.  New innovations in this industry have led to major movements and if your company is one of them, we want to partner with you.  Take advantage of this product placement opportunity and highlight how your product or service is solving these problems.

Sustainable Development Goal 7: Ensure Access to Affordable, Reliable, and Sustainable and Modern Energy for

Denmark currently holds itself out as a leader of a sustainable nation.  They currently power their country and others with power utilizing wind mills.  The United States has recently announced the goal to reduce emissions by 50-52 percent by 2030.  All around the globe, nations are rising up to do their part to ensure access to affordable and sustainable energy from wind to solar and  more. If your company is in this industry, doing its part, we are excited to announce product placement opportunities in our upcoming music video productions!

Sustainable Development Goal 8: Promote Sustained, Inclusive, and Sustainable Economic Growth, Full, and Productive Employment and Decent Work for

Throughout the pandemic, millions lost their jobs and way of living.  It is the goal that productive employment is readily available for all.  Unfortunately we have a long way to get there.  However, there are companies taking initiative to ensure citizens have access to growth, learning opportunities, and work is available for citizens.  If your company is one of them doing something amazing in this field, we want to partner with you.  Become a Voice of a Nation.

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Sustainable Development Goal 9: Build Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization and Foster Innovation

Resiliency is achieved when “the infrastructure is able to retain its basic functionality and structural capacity when it is disturbed ” such as earthquakes, tornadoes, or any other natural disaster.  Sustainability is when it is ecofriendly.  Innovation in this field has  grown tremendously.  If your business it looking to achieve these similar goals, we would like for you to become a part of the plan and highlight it.  Become a Voice.

Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduce Inequality Within and Among

According to the United Nations, “Income inequality between countries has improved, yet income inequality within countries has become worse. Today, 71 percent of the world’s population live in countries where inequality has grown.” If your company is working to combat this inequality of income within your nation, lets increase awareness of it!  Become a Voice of a Nation!

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Sustainable Development Goal 11: Make Cities and Human Settlements Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and

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Safe, sustainable, and affordable housing has become increasingly important especially in the last couple of years.  Technology and innovation in this field has increased at fast rates and citizens of nations around the globe are in need more than ever. 

Sustainable Development Goal 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production

The COVID pandemic has demonstrated the importance of strong production.  We have seen shortages in our supply chain for certain products within the past year and its now time to strengthen it.  If you have a company doing something innovative in this industry, lets highlight it on a global scale.  If your product or service provides a solution, we are here to help you become a Voice of A Nation.

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Sustainable Development Goal 13: Take Urgent Action to Combat Climate Change and Its

Combatting climate change has been at the forefront to movements around the globe.   The shifting of the earths axis and water shifting has been a key contributor.  Renewable energy and energy efficient appliances and even changing food habits can all help to combat this.  If your company is fighting to combat these changes, join us in highlighting your brand within this product placement opportunity.

Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and Sustainably use the Oceans, Seas, and Marine Resources for Sustainable

The United Nations has been clear that there is a “Continuous deterioration of coastal waters owing to pollution, and ocean acidification is having an adversarial effect on the functioning of ecosystems and biodiversity”.  We need to conserve the oceans, seas, and marine resources.  If your company is actively participating in change within this area, we would love provide product placement opportunities to increase awareness of your company taking action.

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Sustainable Development Goal 15: Protect, Restore, and Promote Sustainable Uses of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Sustainably Management Forests, Combat Diversification, and Half and Reverse Land Degradation and Halt Biodiversity

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Our ecosystems are interconnected and what affects one, impacts another.  “Globally, about 25 percent of the total land area has been degraded. When land is degraded, soil carbon and nitrous oxide is released into the atmosphere, making land degradation one of the most important contributors to climate change”.    A key goal for the United Nations is to combat this trend.  If you have a product, service, or movement also looking to achieve the same goal, we want to provide product placement opportunities for your voice to be heard.

Sustainable Development Goal 16: Promote Peaceful and Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development, Provide Access to Justice For All and Build Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions at All

Accountability has been at the forefront of many minds.  Access to the justice system, is critically important as more and more cases are filed everyday.  The effectiveness of process’ that have been in place for years are being questioned, while changes are taking place daily.  The United Nations sets the goals for “Ensuring freedom of expression, access to justice, respect of human rights, reduction of inequalities and elimination of social exclusion”.  If your company is working to achieve this goal as well and have a product or service to promote this, we want to hear from you.

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Sustainable Development Goal 17: Strengthen the Means of Implementation and Revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable

In order to achieve these goals, nations across the globe need to come together. Does your product or service help to achieve or strengthen strategic partnerships in achieving these goals?  Lets do our part.

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